
This is within his sphere of accountability.

Campos is a strong proponent of employee accountability.

Log in daily to report on your progress. This gives you the accountability and motivation needed.

The public accountability of advisory committees depends on the resolution of three issues.

In the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), Congress took several steps to promote the public accountability of advisory committees.

Some of us have trouble with accountability because we associate the word with punishment, scrutiny, and/or not meeting standards or agreements.

One day, perhaps, an educated middle class may emerge to call for more accountability and a bigger slice of the wealth.

The summary claimed there would be "unprecedented accountability" in how funds are spent and said the bill would include no earmarks, the pet projects that lawmakers are fond of.

Transparency and accountability are institutionalized.

This is what is meant by stewardship and accountability.

But you must balance that need with the need for accountability.

Most of the time it is not. But such “accountability journalism” has always been subsidised by other activities.

This is made even more challenging, he says, by the need to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of resources.

The trouble is that, as the unhappiness at HP makes clear, the alternative to clubbishness is not some genteel exchange of views called “accountability”, but often strife and division.


You need oversight and accountability.

Here are some core requirement areas where it must meet new accountability goals.

This can improve accountability by mapping more directly between an it function and the business function it supports.

By forcing them to review his departure, Mr Nozoe may help instil one last reform: greater transparency and accountability at the level of the board.

Our focus is on accountability and openness.

One theme is the historical burden of secrecy, which is freedom from accountability and the freedom to lie.

So shame on Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and all those who spew platitudes about integrity, justice and accountability while allowing war criminals and torturers to walk freely upon the earth.

You see, when we give away accountability we create a state of helplessness.

Such investments are impossible to prove but he argues the same thing happened during the last bull market, which ended in 2001, and accountability of government spending at local level remains weak.

The framework places accountability soundly where it belongs: at the country level, with strong links between country-level and global mechanisms for tracing resources and tracking their results.

This gives you the accountability and motivation needed.

Although it has played a vital role in increasing accountability for student learning, the bill has had unintended consequences.