
They hoard them, trading them in for pity points when they find another victim-er, friend.

Money markets are still under stress, as banks and others hoard cash and super-safe short-term Treasurys.

The offspring of starving mothers, anticipating hard times during their own future lives, adjust their metabolisms to hoard calories.

It was Tiner who agreed that Banks could make up their own minds about how much capital they needed to hoard to cover their risks.

This leads people to hoard out of fear, and is evident in the person who is not willing to take appropriate risks when investing, or keeps everything in cash.

We don't hoard our information; we make the original documents available with our news stories.

And because of that, there has been an incentive to hoard the virtual currency rather than spending it.

To survive through the dark winter months, trees hoard their energy; lucky for us, the power-down process has some lovely side effects


Keynes's scheme would also require creditors not to hoard their trade surpluses.

A punitive stance increases the stigma of being short of liquidity and encourages Banks to hoard cash, making the crisis worse.

The reason or reasons why people hoard are in dispute.

In Sahara Desert live some gerbils who would hoard large amounts of grass roots before the dry season to avoid starvation.

People will hoard cash because they expect prices to fall and investments to fail, thus prolonging the economy's weakness.

The biggest, baddest psychological bouncer that the Times must get past is the "Endowment Effect"--our tendency to hoard what we already own, even at greater cost.

They squander cash on raising funds; they hoard it; they fail to oversee how efficiently they spend it.