
Writing under pseudonyms, many users that frequently post on BBS Build reputations and sizable followings.

In reality, we use real names to tell falsehood, and the Internet uses pseudonyms to tell the truth.

But much of his energy was devoted to publishing stories, often under pseudonyms, in pulp magazines such as Astounding Science Fiction.

By using two different pseudonyms, I am able to let the reader know which voice they are getting in a book.

But on newspaper websites, pseudonyms are allowed and are widely used.

Many use pseudonyms to primarily protect their privacy, while others prefer a name that is easier to recall, sometimes for branding purposes.

Using the pseudonyms has a two-fold purpose.

Almost invariably, people who use their real names in these reviews are more credible than those who use pseudonyms.


Users opt to register aliases and pseudonyms for different reasons.

But things don't get too personal: the cosplayers go by pseudonyms, to avoid having their real identities found out by fans.

Japanese Web users, even popular bloggers, typically hide behind pseudonyms or nicknames.

Mixi has grown by letting users sign up with pseudonyms, and gives its subscribers fine-tune controls over who sees posts and other uploads.