
You can attach a policy set here, as described below.

Both the listeners began to attach an importance to her mediation.

You can use wood screws to attach these small pieces to the enclosure side.

Testers can derive one or more test cases for each scenario and attach data values to them.

The motor that drives the robot's tail and a curved, girder-like stabilizer bar attach to the robot's upper body.

The piriformis muscles, strong external rotators of the thigh, attach to the sacrum and the femur. Stretching them can increase S-I joint instability.

Usage: After facial cleaning, extend the mask and apply it onto face, gently pat the mask to perfectly attach it onto skin, peel off15-20 minutes later, and then remove surplus liquid from face with cosmetic cotton or napkin.

You can physically attach all the devices or start up all the emulators (or both) at once, connect to each one in turn programmatically, and then run one or more tests.


Shellfish usually attach themselves to rocks.

Several tags in the template can have one or more attach points.

You think of the time you wasted trying to attach your life to someone else's and feel liberated.

He is a very cowardly person who indulges in past and recollection, because he dare not bravely attach importance to reality.

Millions of the padlocks that couples emblazon with their initials and attach to the Pont des Arts were removed last year for safety reasons.

And attach importance to dissecting one or two "sparrows";true, they know something about the countryside, but their knowledge doesn't go very deep, and therefore the directives they issued do not quite fit the rural conditions.

We then attach each volume group to its primary server.

As radon progeny decay, they emit radioactive alpha particles and attach to aerosols, dust and other particles in the air.

Fasten a blue cord to it to attach it to the turban; it is to be on the front of the turban.

I attach great significance to the news.

You open a new integration test client for each module and then attach to the module or, when you select multiple modules, click the attach icon in the integration test client that you opened.

You can instantiate the form elements manually and attach them to the form or let the form object create and instantiate a new form element of the requested type for you.

We should attach great importance to the development of community-based services.

De Moraes has been working with the weed, which attaches to its host plant "like a leech that will attach to the plant and then suck the nutrients out."

Modify the existing container services to match the cloud resource and cloud task patterns and attach them to the application in as non-intrusive manner as possible.

Use interception and AOP to attach services to POJOs

Create a flow debugger instance, attach it to the default execution group, and then start the flow debugger.