
Feder came into sight, wobbling about on an old bicycle.

Nearly Headless Nick was gliding toward Harry, his head wobbling as usual upon his ruff.

Both cries can be heard throughout parks in Britain as fathers and mothers grasp the saddle of their wobbling offspring.

His government has recently been wobbling over implementing two of its biggest economic decisions: to bring in petrol rationing and to cut interest rates.

When Young began his vows, we locked eyes and the only way I got through mine without wobbling was by holding his gaze.

Ducks went wobbling by.

After some wobbling, Mr Erdogan now seems ready to take the army on.

The telescope measured only two degrees of the electrified gas wobbling back and forth by picking up ultraviolet light.

I raced out back, wobbling up the rope ladder and through the hatch under the guise of conducting a wind-worthiness test.


But suddenly Mr Obama is wobbling.

All this pushing and wobbling and bouncing lurches the earth plates and thus they move causing earthquakes.

But those taking off on their summer holidays would be wise not to switch off their mobile telephones. Spain and Italy, in particular, have been wobbling yet again this week.

That means finding oneself wobbling first one way and then the other way.

And Justice Rehnquist—though bareheaded and ill, pitifully underclad for the cold, with his tracheotomy tube wobbling at his throat—was basking in the climate he had helped to create.

In the optical aspect, will you accept yourself wear larger and larger clothing? or do sports with lumpish body feeling the fat flesh wobbling?

He placed one hand heavily on a fragile, wobbling table.

If the rover were not moving, the frequency distortions of its signals to Earth would reveal the rate of wobbling in Mars's axis.