
Overall, China has seen an astoundingly low level of mortality associated with the H1N1 flu.

Additionally, her desire to stop the unmarried masses from making sweet, sweet love to one another was astoundingly ambitious.

Four hundred men from an astoundingly diverse group of scientific backgrounds had gathered in Chicago for what promised to be an electrifying meeting.

Brazil's deforestation rate has dropped astoundingly fast.

It's been a bad week for the Japan's largest utility, even given the astoundingly bad couple of months before it.

Finally, an astoundingly well-preserved Sophia Loren, playing Guido's mother, makes her entrance, leaning over the balconyand shooting a stern but loving look toward Guido far below.

In the new century, the new course reform which loads the creative principle astoundingly launched at our foundational education.

One can argue, as we have, that it was astoundingly reckless of Mr McCain to have picked her on the basis of having once met her for 15 minutes.

In Sunday's final, the US kept up the astoundingly confident play, getting two early goals to lead 2-0 at the half.


The BlackBerry tablet is here, and it looks astoundingly nice.

America has long been astoundingly wasteful about energy use, but for years, that mattered little because power and fuel were so cheap.