filled with造句

a goatskin filled with wine

The Wizarding World is filled with magic.

These secretory canaliculi are filled with acid.

Filled Radar. Radar with the area covered by a data series filled with a color

sandwich filled with slices of bacon and tomato with lettuce.

Early was the morn, flowers filled with dew.

The whole house was filled with the aroma of coffee.

After a baptism of autumn rain, the woods were filled with cool water and filled with moisture.

Shake with crushed ice. Strain into highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with pineapple slice.

Humans there are filled with superstition and fear. . . and with good reason.

Biscuit base filled with lemon scented Ilalian ricotta cheese, decorated with strawberries and red currants.

Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a wine glass filled with ice. Top with soda water. Garnish with orange slice.

The house was filled with farmers and their wives, red-faced daughters and clean, washed sons. The tables were filled with different things to eat. Wine filled many glasses.

Layers of short crust pastry filled with lemon flavoured pastisserie cream and decorated with pine nuts, dusted with icing sugar.

Red Sorghum is an outstanding movie that is filled with beautiful imagery and lush colors.

I'm filled with disappointment.

Covered or filled with dust.

He was filled with bookish notions.

The air was filled with smoke and roared with noise.

The place was filled with the scent of flowering azaleas.

Mine is filled with leftovers, bread, stock, meat and fish.

Hawker's neck hung with baskets full of food for sale. His face was filled with sweat dripping immediately, and his face was filled with pitiful longing.

puff paste shell filled with a savory meat mixture usually with a sauce.

The center of the autumn water is filled with threads of affection. The dreamy language is filled with the love of the past.

Stir with crushed ice. Strain into glass filled with ice. Top with soda water, grated nutmeg, and ground cinnamon.

Preparation technology of powder SBR filled with calcium carbonate by co-agglomeration was explored.

He was filled with despair.

The world is, supposedly, filled with good cheer and the malls are filled with good sales.

You're filled with kindnessYou're filled with perseveranceYou're filled with justice You're filled with integrity You're filled with bravery You're filled with patience You're filled with determination你充满了仁慈、恒心、正义、诚实、勇气、耐心你充满了决心

(physiology) filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood.

ONE chilly afternoon, my mother dropped by with a small shopping bag filled with fondue forks.

The road of life is ups and downs. When the flowers blossom, the eyes are filled with tenderness and poetry, and the heart is filled with happiness.

Shake with crushed ice. Strain into highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with orange slice and cherry.

The microtrachea is filled with fluid.

You're filled with kindnessYou're filled with perseveranceYou're filled with justice You're filled with integrity You're filled with bravery You're filled with patience You're filled with determination你充满了仁慈、?a心、正义、诚实、勇气、耐心你充满了决心

Special offer; Bargain (or sale) price:

His filing cabinet was filled with meticulous prototypes of games from the early stages of development, and his fireplace was filled with trophies.

In general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries.

A pillow stuffed with feathers; balloons filled with helium.

having exposed wood framing with spaces filled with masonry, as in Tudor architecture.

Combine ingredients in a tumbler glass filled with ice. stir gently with celery stick. garnish with lime wedge.

The enclosure is filled with acrylic - fiber wadding.

The room was filled with the smell of medicine and smoke, with Mama's tears, with Papa's illness.

We cannot love when filled with cannot trust when filled with cannot forgive when unwilling to believe.

But I was filled with resentment.

The inner envelope filled with helium in the head section of the blimp and the third built-in airbag at the tail is filled with ethane combustible gas.

filled with造句

Her eyes filled with tears.