


李华作为一名交换生刚到美国学习不久就被邀请参加一个美国家庭的宴会,他不知道该怎样做才合适,他给他的美国朋友Tom写信询问,请你代替Tom给李华写一封回信, 信的内容包含如下建议:

1.穿着整齐   2. 准时到达  3. 不必带礼物,实在要带也不应多带(一瓶酒或一盒饼干即可) 4. 就餐时注意餐桌礼节,不要高声喧哗,不要喝太多的酒 5. 就餐后不要逗留太久,告别时要表示感谢。

注意:1. 词数120-150字。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Li Hua,

   I am glad to know…                                                               



Yours sincerely,



Dear Li Hua,

   I am glad to know you are enjoying yourself in the USA. As for the family dinner, I’d like to give you the following advice.

   As you are invited to a formal dinner party, dressing smartly and tidily is necessary. It would be better if you are punctual. Generally speaking, there is no need to bring gifts. If you would like to bring something, a bottle of wine or a box of cookies will be OK. American people care about table manners a lot, so do remember to mind your manners at table. Never should you drink too much or make loud noise. After dinner, it would be better not to stay there too long. Before you say goodbye to the host and hostess, do not forget to express your gratitude to their generous hospitality.

   All the best.

                                                                      Yours sincerely,


