
Experts say it does not portend an earthquake.

The change did not portend a basic improvement in social conditions.

The Wall Street crash does not portend big budgets for what some people see as a luxury agency like NASA.

A particular concern is that the recent resurgence at the euro zone's core could portend a protracted slump at its periphery.

Even if melting glaciers provide an abundance of water in the short run, they portend a frightening endgame: the eventual depletion of Asia's greatest rivers.


These clouds are ominous. They portend a severe storm.

Overcast skies portend a rough day for boats on Iceland's Lake Myvatn.

The SNS victory may portend the eclipse of the once-mighty Radicals in the next general election.

By any measure, that's important stuff, though as with last year's invisibility cloak, it doesn't portend magical applications in the everyday world — and won't for a long, long time.

Our times portend a new age of discovery which will require new kinds of learning.

This could portend trouble for sanofi, which is relying on Genzyme's expertise to strengthen its presence in protein-based therapies and the rare-diseases market.

What does all this portend for the near future?

That would portend increased flows of glacial ice from Antarctica and a rise in global sea levels, endangering low-lying land areas.

These are particularly important today as modern medicine is able to identify genes that portend high risk for certain diseases.

Black clouds portend a storm.

More troubling, she said, is what Google's flub may portend for the future.