
If a question asks you to take a position on some issue, try to formulate a more nuanced answer.

What lifts the Big Bang Theory into frequent excellence is its one constant from the start: the brilliantly nuanced performance of Jim Parsons.

Undoubtedly this part of the world is booming – and even that is an understatement – but I want to offer up a more nuanced perspective on what is going on here.


And not just different, but nuanced in a way that helps establish the overall ambience of that system.

Here's a more nuanced caveat: Some players I talked to think Blizzard has been quite thoughtful about how torture plays into the world of Lich King.

More specific, nuanced theories are often less versatile.

Vulnerabilities occur across a wide spectrum, from the obvious — like using a weak password or storing unprotected private data — to the more nuanced — like unchecked input.

Traditional one-liners on racial difference, gender difference and mothers-in-law were out, to be replaced by more nuanced observation or rant.

Text is a critical component to almost all user interfaces. Written language is capable of conveying dense and nuanced information, but significant care must be taken to use text appropriately, as it also has a great potential to confuse and complicate.

“It’s a bit nuanced,” said Rao, referring to the “we messed up but we don’t admit wrongdoing” stipulation.