to make sure造句

I hunched over, trying to make sure nobody saw me.

She looked around to make sure that she was alone.

Okay, I'll make a few calls and run our order by housekeeping first to make sure.

Be sure to open and save the agent after pasting it to make sure it compiles correctly.

Yes, we have to make sure that the economic pie is sliced more fairly, but we also have to make sure that the economic pie is growing.

We need to make sure our user interfaces provide answers to both of these questions.

So I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you can save yourself.

I do worry about her health of course, but I try to make sure she eats some healthy food like salad, and I make sure she does exercises.

It is parents' responsibilities to make sure their children abide by the law.

Whenever you make a deal, check first to make sure that the money you receive is kosher.

Shaoying went to China in July. Then, Wanhua called me to make sure that DW farm would open to TFGHA.

In the Summary section, make sure to check for updates to make sure you have the latest version of the iOS to ensure a smooth transition to iOS 5.

Members of the U.S. space agency, NASA, traveled to the courthouse in Orlando to make sure astronaut Nowak was safe.

Spence expects the Chinese to continue its tight control of its currency to make sure of keeping the economy stable.

They also want to make sure their contracts contain “no-fault divorce” clauses, which make it easier for investors to remove a general partner or terminate the partnership.

In terms of process failures, we need to make sure that the current system under health care providers is airtight.

You can also link up with Google calendar to make sure you stay on top of important dates.

Rudolph glanced around to make sure nobody was watching them.

Make goal impossible to reach in order to make sure that you do more than required.

I think he has to go to the doctor to make sure it is not infected.

The best way to raise kids is to make sure that you spend time with them.

We hope G20 member states could make joint efforts to make sure that the summit live up to people's expectation.

For now, the task is to make sure Snort is installed correctly.

And I'm going to make sure that every primary voter knows it.

My favorite way to make sure I stick to a plan I made is to make a little promise to myself.

Using enlarged type to make sure the president would “be able to read it, ” she urged him to “please make our troops one of your priorities.”

Like the restructuring executives, bankruptcy lawyers seem defiant and want to make sure precedents aren't set that would make it easier to curb fees in the future.

Optionally, normalize the text nodes of this new element, to make sure things are easier later on.

to make sure造句

You have to make sure you're comparing like with like.

It isn't up to us to make sure they get Ancient Egypt. It's up to us to make sure there are interesting things in their lives to encounter.

Make sure the applicant understands all the answers and checks to make sure they are right before asking them to sign application.

At the very least we should make sure we minimize any negative expectations to make sure we're not masking true efficacy in a trial drug.

Make order planning report periodically and to make sure order quantity is under safe stock level control.

If you're going to make male friends you should listen to your heart and intuition to make sure that your intentions are pure.

Lily is pregnant. She is going to see her obstetrician to make sure the baby is healthy.

The scientists also use DNA technology to make sure that the drugs are only inside the egg whites.

Another way to make sure that you're not running too fast is to make sure you're not out of breath.

Other Premium Creators will check to make sure your game is safe to play.

Also, they want to make sure they do not violate federal regulations.

What's needed are rules to make sure they're used transparently by investors with the capital to absorb losses.

Note: Make sure that each par t you draw is placed on a separate layer to make sure that your blending options don't get applied to the wrong parts.


We want to make sure that they're not landing on some site that would make us blanch.

The fish is so strong that Santiago has to hold the fishing line tight to make sure it won't break.

I'll flash my headlight to make sure he sees us.

I just wanted to make sure you know you had options.

Many psychologists today are working to try to make sure

We've got to provide a blood infusion to the patient right now to make sure that the patient is stabilized.

Mmm... I'll just have to make sure to keep you happy.

To make culture market prosperous, the key problem is to make sure where the government should be in the culture market management.

They say that athletes are tested to make sure they are not using drugs and more importantly, women should be tested to make sure they are not men.