
The university faced a cost overrun on account of miscalculation.

While Palin and Barack may not overrun the playgrounds in a couple years, their children will.

The issue of immigration, as in so many other countries, remains a contentious topic: 35% said they thought Germany was "dangerously overrun" with foreigners.

The occupants of the college struggle to find enough food fuel and shelter for everyone in need living in constant fear that the Japanese will overrun the place.

The ultimate victim may be the environment, already overrun with enough trash in places to threaten people's health, now further burdened with refuse that until recently would have been recycled.


The plains were overrun by Tartar hordes.

It is overrun with people who are kind and helpful, and four of them are heavenly, handsome firemen.

Apart from being absurd on the face of it, if it were as easy as that, we would have been overrun by saints since time immemorial.

Often the attacker will overrun the buffer with the malicious code the attacker wants to run, and the attacker will then change the return value to point to the malicious code they've sent.

Huntress: Be careful, Priestess! These woods are overrun by the dead!

A buffer overflow, or buffer overrun, occurs when a process attempts to store data beyond the boundaries of a fixed-length buffer.

Presently the fields have been overrun by weeds.

That is to say, in case of being overrun by short-term speculative investment, China's real economy, acting like a water pond, will purify it as we put it in.

The only thing that has prevented the site from being further overrun is that there is no road to it from Cusco.

Enemy soldiers had overrun the island.

On the other hand, it makes sure working on these tasks won’t overrun the rest of your day.