
The two words are interchangeable.

drill ,twist, interchangeable, of base metal

a woodworking plane that has interchangeable cutters of various shapes.

interchangeable lap of base metal for hand or machine tools

Precision measurement is the key to producing interchangeable parts and mass producing goods.

(of words) interchangeable in a given context without changing the import of the expression.

drill ,interchangeable, of base metal, for hand or machine tolls (excl. those for rock drilling or earth boring)

Note: the seats and springs of the first and second check modules are not interchangeable. The heavier spring and smaller diameter seat belong with the first check module.

You can design your own drum table with interchangeable and re-arrangeable percussion inserts like snare drums, chimes, cow bells, high hats and even a cymbal crash.

It is important to note here, the words "Heaven" and "Paradise" are interchangeable seeming to refer to the same place, as if Paradise means the whole Heaven, and Heaven means that it contains many layers.

Each vehicle is interchangeable .

interchangeable conical glass ground joints

Magnetic characteristics of interchangeable magnetic single disk cartridge (top loaded)

T45II equips all kinds of interchangeable components, including hanging bookshelf, hanging cabinet and panel leg.

The components of the same type are interchangeable, It is the trustable product for customers at home and abroad.

Tonly FB - a ranks in same level with imported reference beams, and interchangeable with these famous systems.

A disk memory based on interchangeable flexible plastic disks, usually with a moveable head able to access many read/write tracks.

不要让那个喜欢你的人 撕心裂肺的为你哭那么一次 因为 你能把他伤害到 那个样子的机会 只有那一次 那一次之后你就从 不可或缺的人 变成 可有可无的人了 即使他 还爱你Don't let the person that loves you cry heartbrokenlyThere is only one chance that you can hurt them so deepAfter that,you can go from "the irreplaceable one"to"the interchangeable one"even if they still love you

Matter and energy are equal and interchangeable.

Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic single disk cartridge (top mounted)

Since eyepieces are interchangeable, a telescope can be used at a variety of powers for different applications.

Kits include mounting plate and hardware for mounting to flange or servo mount encoders, making them interchangeable with 5PY DC tach generators.


interchangeable groundglass joints

not interchangeable or able to substitute one for another.

That in turn influences how much land is planted to soyabeans, which for American farmers are interchangeable with maize.

No person shall require any white female to nurse in wards or rooms in which Negro men are placed. Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools,but shall continue to be used by the race first using colored barber shall served as a barber to white woman or girls.

removable pads, package includes both a chest pad and a free, interchangeable sternum pad

If the interchangeable theory of the shift of toad to rabbit is expounded and proved in the light of multiple branches of learning, doubt will be raised about its rationality.

file ,hand-operated (excl. dental or manicuring files and interchangeable tool pieces)

True synonymsare entirely interchangeable (with one another).

"33 Years" started off as "26 Years" when it was put in place in 2002 and has interchangeable Numbers so it can be altered before every season.

interchangeable spherical ground glass joints