
Tufted perennial wood aster of North America; naturalized in Europe.

violet-flowered perennial aster of central United States having solitary heads.

The sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain, and the valleys were purple with something deeper than aster.

OBJECTIVE The optimum extraction conditions of shionone from herbs Tatarian aster root were studied by means of orthogonal test and microwave-assisted and pressurized solvent extraction technique.


a variety of white-topped aster.

Rhizomatous perennial wood aster of eastern North America with white flowers.

wild aster having grayish leafy stems and flower heads with narrow pale lavender or violet rayes; of rocky desert slopes California to Arizona and Utah.

"aster any of various plants of the genus aster in the composite family, having radiate flower heads with white, pink, or violet rays and a usually yellow disk. "

wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays; Alberta to Texas and Mexico.

This is the first report on aster yellows phytoplasma affecting peach tree in …

a common European salt-marsh aster.

