
He was tortured with anxiety.

The pathologist said he had been “tortured to death”.

To keep them apart, her father and uncle tortured and killed the couple, police say.

Others say they were imprisoned, tortured and only released on condition that they sign documents promising to leave Bhutan.

In the old days, men could have many wives But women were tortured and beaten if they were discovered being unfaithful to their husbands.

Mr. Lawrence has mercifully spared us the terrible details of her illness; it is only her "tortured eyes" we see, and her children's grief and horror.

This amounted to another zigzag from Mr Harper on the issue, which concerns whether officials knew that some of the detainees handed over to their Afghan counterparts might be tortured.

Winds tortured the trees.

They tortured the prisoner to death.

Gaga is a chameleon, a tortured soul searching for her identity through outrageous fashion.

But even in the tortured logic of trade talks, the decision to abandon the Potsdam negotiations was ill-conceived.

The promotion of such values seems all the more remarkable given their tortured transit through the 20th century, as brilliantly described in Mr Service's "Comrades!".

The best example I can think of offhand, I should let this wait, but Peter the Great, the czar of the Russians, who may or may not have beaten his son to death, at least he ordered him tortured.

The secret police tortured him to obtain information.

But concern has been raised about his safety after allegations that he had been severely beaten and tortured in detention.

The frenzied brutality of the second half of last year, when arrests took place in the hundreds and many dissidents were killed and tortured in custody, has given way to a duller repression.

Many say they were tortured in detention.

Munyaradzi Gwisai, a law lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, is facing treason charges, carrying the death penalty, after being held and tortured for more than three weeks.


He tortured his prisoners.

As she admired the exquisite handiwork, she thought of the lump of tortured flesh and broken bones that it had once covered.

He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify, himself.

The songs of zealots and the cries of the tortured are no longer heard; lawlessness has put on kid gloves and moved from the torture Chambers into the upholstered offices of faceless bureaucrats.

Thousands of Argentines were tortured and murdered in other centres run by the armed forces.