play the game造句

Then there are the people who play the game.

They just really want to play the game.

Landlords are confrontational and cool phone are strong with a card game, play the game to win the bill!

Focus on how you play the game and not on the scoreboard.

But while you are young play the game and say, 'Yes, I accept that'…

In Part 1, you created the basic form, which enables the user to play the game using dropdown menus.

The third group of kids was told to play the game, but the researcher sat with them and simply never left the room at all.

"Frank had more football skills than Thomas, of course, but they are quite similar in how they play the game and are of similar build," says De Boer.

Wrath of the Lich King, the second World of Warcraft expansion pack, was released last year, with fans queuing through the night to be among the first to play the game.

To help you take the driver's seat in the buying experience, first learn to play the game, and you might even end up doing some smooth talking of your own.

According to the regulation they both can play the game.

You have to know how to play the game, and play it superbly.

You just play the game freely and with enthusiasm and enjoy it.

Tennis players refused to accept the decision of the inspector, so the referee ordered them to play the game again.

The two are among the best power forwards to ever play the game (Duncan is arguably the best) and have earned 25 All-Star nods between them.

Don't play the games that U play.

Hey, friend, we play the game, okay?

No matter how you play the game, this game pack will have something exciting for you!

They will say, "business is business," meaning they play the game by their own rules.

People can play the game for an hour, make sure it works, make sure they have fun.

The volcano is there, but it is held in place by the heavy mountain of the Arab state, which oppresses its people very well and has learned how to play the game of elections.

So keep your mouth shut and play the game.

Cousin of burning paper when you play the game, you're really creative ah.

Although I have been to school, I know only a few words, but all I have to do is to play the game.

They not only choose freely to play the game or not, but they also choose how to play it.

For if Middle Eastern peacemaking requires the stamina of a boxer, it also demands a chess master's patience to play the game in at least three dimensions.

Change the roles, choose one father or mother be a Wolf play the game again. .

play the game造句

How would you play the game?

Sorry, Mr. Beng Bengtiao artists claiming those little tired too simple, can only play the game every day.

The idea was to enfold the 36 Stratagems around street basketball skills to further challenge, engage and appeal to target consumers, especially those that love to play the game.