
I opened the door and was hit in the face by a gust of desert air.

After they walk a few more yards, they experience a sudden gust of wind and confusion.

Occasionally it was at a hillside we could be in sight of the yellow weasel-like beasts rushing quickly to pass through the narrow pathway. The mountain wind sent out gust and gust of dismal sound.

6:In a final gust of wind, the dyingstar at the center of the Butterfly Nebula sweeps hot gas into lacy wingstrillions of miles across.

Sometimes. My best dream involves a gust of wind which is carrying tons of money toward me. There is so much money, I can't carry it all.

Fierce Santa Ana winds, which can gust higher than 100 kilometers per hour, are not expected to die down for several days, and California officials are requesting aid from neighboring states.

A gust of 66 miles per hour was recorded on Nantucket.

There's nobody about, not a sound to be heard, not even a distant engine, a gust of wind, a bird.

A gust of wind from the north is touching my cheeks, as if an intimate greeting to me from the prairie.

Media reports suggest that the mishap occurred when the single-engined aircraft was caught by a gust of wind while hovering a few feet above the ground before landing.

A sudden gust of wind from the open window puffed the candle out.

Natural selection may just gust about, favoring different sets of genes from one year to the next.

A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver.

I could hear every gust of wind outside, every dog barking, every footstep on the sidewalk across the street.


A gust of wind made the candle pop out.

“Not the slightest gust of wind has touched us, while Europe [and America] are being battered by storms,” he said this week.

She said she lost her friend, her friend went out the window, a gust sucked her out.

When a gust of wind blows across the sea-like desert, the undulation of the sand has the shape of the wind imprinted on it.