
Meanwhile, many mature collectors are shunning auction for a more intimate route.

These workers are discerning about jobs, shunning physical labor in favor of a position that teaches skills and offers promotions.

These groups still encourage marriage within the faith, But instead of shunning those who do marry non-Jews, they are now courting these intermarried couples.

The Boehner and Reid plans overlap in key ways, such as trimming spending over 10 years and shunning President Obama's call for tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.

Now Chrysler must contend with a brutal market place, with American largely shunning new cars.

When Buddhism was first introduced into China, it continued to pursue its proud tradition of shunning the rich and powerful.

But in recent years many Britons have changed their drinking habits, shunning the pub and preferring to imbibe at home instead.

I have never forgotten this uneasy and timid way of giving help, this shunning of a word of thanks. 你帮助人家的时候表现出来的惶惶不安、羞怯腼腆、怕人感谢的样子,我永远也忘不了。

Generally in such cases, the offender publicly apologizes and some degree of social shunning follows, at least for a while.

England fans seeking solace from their World Cup woe were shunning Portugal as a holiday destination after the national squad knocked England out of the tournament, travel agents said.

Two men in their 40s sit forward on a sofa, shunning glasses of fruit juice to talk rapidly, often over each other.

My flight was more a shunning of external and internal dangers.

Notably absent from the stock-market rally were individual investors, who continued to pour money into bond mutual funds while largely shunning U.S. stock funds.


THEY have long been accused of shunning marriage to pursue their non-domestic ambitions.