
IT IS the strangest of courtroom dramas.

They all stood up when the judges entered the courtroom.

At the trial, women from the interfaith group joined the doctor's supporters in the courtroom.

Lawyers on both sides went as far as asking the judge to clear the courtroom of reporters.

The boys, who had been told in advance that they would not be jailed, smiled shyly as they entered the courtroom at the start of today's brief hearing.

Earlier in the campaign, there was a row over the use of posters (disowned by Ms Moratti) that depicted Mr Berlusconi's eternal courtroom adversaries in the state-prosecution service as terrorists.

The courtroom was huge.

Yet her disrespectful courtroom behaviour hardly justified her arrest.

National newspapers covered it in detail, including dramatic confrontations between Darrow and Bryan both in and out of the courtroom.

Egyptian courtroom proceedings are not designed to be accessible to outside observers, and the country has no tradition of televising trials.

Yet just as divorce law in most countries now strongly encourages mediation rather than courtroom battles, new for ms of collaborative drafting aim to take the sting out of premarital negotiations.

The reporters buttonholed the witness outside the courtroom.

If you like courtroom drama, legal sparring, gamesmanship, and puzzles, Haller's tactics will certainly hold your attention.

The defendant in a murder trial in Stockton, California, was shot dead Wednesday after attacking the judge during a courtroom recess, authorities said.

A courtroom lawyer must never choke up under pressure.

Though we do not advocate solving things in the courtroom, it is a good reference for bad character person to do such kind thing.

Witnesses are not barred from discussing their testimony outside the courtroom.


Until eventually the whole courtroom was silent.

Thousands of miles away in Kenya, his half-brother will be facing a rather different audience in a Nairobi courtroom.

An unrepentant Moussaoui told a stunned courtroom he rejoiced at seeing the smoldering rubble of the World Trade Center in New York and pleaded guilty to six criminal conspiracy charges.