
The came the letter from the prison warden.

When the prisoners burst into song, the prison warden was frightened.

After a time, when the warden looked at me questioningly, I nodded, and she spread the sheet over Hanna`s face again.

To protect the endangered creatures, the chief warden at Chitwan has quasi-judicial powers, including the authority to convict and jail alleged poachers for up to 15 years.

One humid dawn last August, I joined Mr Chen and his Zhoushan warden aboard a decrepit craft that served well enough as a safe patrol vessel-so long, I thought, as the sea remained flat.


Why, warden, I've never been to Springfield in my life!

"Now, Valentine," said the warden, "you'll go out in the morning." Make a man of yourself.

Phil, who will be our guide, fixer, warden, passenger wrangler, leader and travelling guru, introduces himself and runs through the basics.

When I was in the prison, I did not see him. So I asked the warden to help me give him a piece of paper where I wrote: you used to be very busy, but now you can have time to master a foreign language.

Finally, however, the decision came down to pardon and release Hanna, and the warden called me.

Aziz is full of praise for his jailers, in particular a young warden who lights his cigarettes for him, places his medicine on a table and allows him a weekly phone call to his family in Jordan.

When I arrive, I was taken to the warden.

On one occasion, they said, a paramour announced that if she didn't get promoted, she would take the warden down with her knowledge of "every scar on his body."

To make sure Guantanamo Bay closes, Obama said the new warden will be the CEO of General Motors. "— Conan o 'brien."

The warden gave him a cigar, and they shook hands.

He decided to give up research and in 1695 accepted an appointment as warden of the British Mint in London.