
"I've had experience enough," said Hurstwood blandly, but he felt a little diffident about referring to Fitzgerald and Moy.

And if the show's take on families - the artist's projections of happiness and fulfillment - feels diffident, even cold, that is because to a certain extent it is.


Aristocratic languor, critics thought, made him too diffident sometimes on the field.

Although he had never mentioned the word of "love" before her, yet she could vaguely detect that passion burning in his diffident look. She dropped him one hint after another to encourage him;

A diffident, shuffling stick figure on stage, at the keyboard he had a penchant for lugubrious tempos, affecting profundity and a crashing, bombastic virtuosity.

His fault is that he's too diffident.

She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner.