
Her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren't convincing.

I feign dispassion, but I'm not fooling anybody.

People may feign incapability to fraudulently claim the benefits, thus depriving the really needy.

Changzhou Zhongjin Medical Co. Ltd., is the solely feign-funded enterprise approved by Jiangsu Provincial Government in January 2006.

As a certifiable geek, I used to feign stomachaches every day so I could do my homework in the bleachers instead of play basketball.

ant scum upon the surface of deep pools simulated the turf that had been removed(John Lothrop remaining terms-feign, fake, and counterfeit -all imply at least a measure of deliberate sham.


Damage reduction while feign death removed.

This feign death reflex is frozen afterwards by dissolution of memory.

One morning, I didn't want to go to school, and decided to feign illness.

Sometimes swordfish feign exhaustion; when approached by a boat, the fish can drive its beak into solid-wood planking 5 cm (2 in) thick.

I feign, I shall believe!

To feign attack on the east and strike on the west

His eyes, blue as the summer sky, gave away his fierce devotion to his friends, even when he tried to feign nonchalance.

feign authorship of a Synonyms at pretend

Distillers and brewers feign disapproval of binge drinking, but keep producing the stuff, even if there are casualties.

To feign an action or a character, as in play.

深潭表面上青绿的浮藻给人一种假象,好象草地被转移了(约翰 洛恩罗普莫 特利)。剩下的几个词如feign,fake和都暗示有某种程度的虚假。

Romeo: all say me dead, don't bother! (there) to feign death.

Under given conditions, the some regression forecasting models of containing feign mistake regression coefficient, exactly correspond to the objective law of the target of study.