
"What do you mean?" Godliman fought down the angry impatience.

He was burning with impatience at all this waiting.

You want to every year in this for the work and pay the impatience uneasiness?

Jon Favreau, who directed both Iron Man movies (and who plays Tony's driver and sidekick, Happy Hogan) barely conceals his impatience with the action sequences.


He has no impatience with his son.

Now, dear heart, I'm all red-hot impatience--tell me about it!"

These little battles seem to embody a deeper impatience with the passage of time, a perpetual desire to beat it, but for what?

She fussed about, unable to hide her impatience.

There the excitability and impatience of bondage was a reflection from its history into its literature. Its expression was consistent with its feeling.

He waited for her arrival in a fever of impatience.

A violent impatience overcame him.

The Obama administration views Germany's rise not with consternation but with impatience.

Anybody who's spent time in a fast-food business, watching meals get churned out at a hyper-fast rate, has probably felt a twinge of impatience once they leave.