
Blunt trauma injury was found on the victim's head.

The psychological trauma the attack left on America was profound.

Well, I think that we need trauma centres, because trauma is the largest killer of people under the Age of 40.

Calcifications can be the result of cell secretions, cell debris, inflammation and trauma, among other causes.

Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant.

This is especially true when the sense of self has been underdeveloped or weakened due to trauma and other early narcissistic wounding.

America's Gilded Age began after the national trauma that was the Civil War and a remarkable period of Reconstruction that saw significant internal development and stabilization.

The U-M analysis supports previous findings that individuals who had a short allele on a particular area the serotonin gene had a harder time bouncing back from trauma than those with long alleles.


He had no history of major trauma.

It can be associated with trauma and some illnesses.

Tongue piercings have also been associated with infections, chipped or broken teeth, and gum trauma.

The immune system changes, not only by the antigen and the amount of trauma, but where it is occurring.

Scientology preaches that, if you touch the wound to the object that caused the injury and silently concentrate, the pain lessens and a sense of trauma fades.

The trauma of partition ensured that relations with Pakistan would long be dreadful, and India has shown admirable restraint in the face of bloody provocations from across the border.

Some soldiers never recover from the trauma of battle.

And while life challenges can reawaken some aspect of the trauma its affects grows less powerful with time.

In fact, fingernail trauma and other hand injuries—no matter your hand size—are collectively the number one nuisance for spacewalkers.

Chopin's decrepit health reinforced his emotional trauma.

Emotional trauma, are generally difficult to lose, who can do it back.

He was lethargic and was bleeding from the left nostril which could be a sign of head trauma so he was taken to the vet.

It says school helps them recover from the trauma of loss, from the trauma of having been uprooted.

Haynes, who has worked with more than 100 dogs in 12 years as a handler and kennel master, said he has seen other dogs rattled by trauma, but none as badly as Gina.

As a fully conscious species you can reverse polarize into any region a dream for very mild physical trauma.

Caution is understandable, after the trauma of this year.

“It’s an unspeakable national trauma that has not once been opened up and gently treated for 60 years, ” she said.