
I can contrive without your help.

To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect

To make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate(a person)falsely.

The couple contrive to bring up their children on a small income.

He will contrive to argue every fault into a merit, and will frankly convict himself of being the honestest fellow in existence.

That life should contrive.

They can plan and contrive and see ahead.

By their wit, sense, and eloquence together, they generally contrive to govern their husbands.

His point that no serious harm is done in such cases has led him to contrive a subplot.


We can contrive without meat.

Can you contrive to be at the station by noon?

While it seems contrive that Mathieu should reach out for his boyfriend's ex, it is not hard to understand what draws him to Pierre.

Therefore it followed that I must contrive a new career.

Second, contrive for the new development to orderly push the development and construction of the park: keep purchasing and storing the land of SOGA and Light Glass as the key task;

I can never understand how a man can contrive to look neat and spruce and do anything else.

Can you contrive a meeting between us?

Fortunate indeed are those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lovers.