
"Error Initializing operation triplet parser.

A triplet of nucleotides; a codon.

Mixing characteristics of triplet loop biological fluidized bed reactors was investigated.

Investigation of excited triplet absorption spectrum and relaxation kinetics of dimeric chlorophyll a

The time intervals among these events fit to the temporal triplet distribution with period of 25 years.

The piano proceeds with dry (secco), staccato triplet runs, rejoined by the orchestra after a slightly surprising nine bars.

Not as well known as other tight groupings of galaxies, the contrast in visual appearance makes this triplet an attractive subject for astrophotographers.

Abstract: Some controversial issues of earthquakes triggered by external factors are discussed, such as magnitude of external factor, counteraction between negative effect and positive effect, triggering of opposite phase, multiple triggering, triplet method and double method.

On account of the limitation of a traditional triplet array and an orthogonal array, this paper proposes a special positioning method with three linear arrays which phases120° one another.

A triplet sleeps amongst its two siblings.

One highly successful approach utilizes a triplet aspheric lens array.

Table2. Allele frequencies of CGG triplet repeat in VLDLR gene in CHD and control groups.

The cysts adhered to uterus, rectum?sigmoid colon, bladder in different degree. The triplet sign was seen in 8 cases.

The advantage of phosphorescent materials is that they can utilize both singlet and triplet exciton states which can reach 100% internal quantum efficiency theoretically.

Due to the problems to infrared image segmentation using Markov random fields, a method for infrared image segmentation based on triplet Markov fields using mixture gauss model was proposed.

So what is this triplet thing?

Theoretical study of the triplet Ru_3(CO)_n(n=11,10,9) structures

Each triplet of nucleotides will correspond to a letter so that, say, ACT represents the letter a, AGT represents the letter b, and so on.

Phosphorescent electroluminescent materials and devices are one of prime focuses of organic light-emitting device research in recent years due to their ability to efficiently utilize both singlet and triplet excitons and having higher efficiency.

The basic state of carbene is singlet or triplet.

Secondly, in the design of accumulator, a triplet data structure is used and can reduce much amount of accumulator.

Pythagorean triplet

This paper, at theory, presented 22 kinds of triplet-bases, 16 of which have been reported in references.


triplet excited state

This contract is a triplet type, consists of one of them to both Parties for holding respectively, and one for filing in the record of….

Singlet-triplet transitions of a two-electron quantum dot with a Woods-Saxon potential

Promptly fill in Note of Delivery for Test in triplet, two to laboratory and one in warehouse and notify QC personnel to check before acceptance as well.