
And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of turmoil over Halley's Comet.

The comic fantasy presents a family of little creatures who set out to help create a special atmosphere at the World Cup finals,and recounts the adventures of two mischievous space-age youngsters on their way to the matches in Korea and Japan.

One of these was the evolution of the hammer and sickle symbol from its agrarian roots into a space-age propaganda object, as seen above.


And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of 5 turmoil over 6 Halley's Comet.

But over the past couple of years, the addition of RFID chips has raised the process of snatching a tuna roll off a rubber strip to space-age bachelor-pad heights.

The good citizens of Houston are rightly indignant about being deprived of their space-age heritage.