
Outside, leaf shadows twist and fall like embers.

Save me from the dying embers h? En under ashes.

Thick black smoke poured out of the building and showered the ground with embers.

His brown, morose face, with its sullen brows, could be clearly seen in the light of the glowing embers.

So they migrate radially—in all possible directions away from the den—like starburst embers from a Fourth of July rocket.

And it blew up and it blew burning embers into Mutondo's nice new tent. And it went up in a sheet of flame.

Only the embers of the bonfire remained.

Save me from the dying embers hidden under ashes.

Devotees walk barefoot across red-hot embers in an annual festival.

I thus warmed myself by the still glowing embers which the summer, like a departed hunter, had left.

It's a sign that what probably ignited the houses was not burning trees or chaparral; instead, the houses touched off one another as embers blew like wind-borne viruses.

Eyes did not pursue, must be heart like dying embers.

And retreating energy costs may yet snuff out even these faint, inflationary embers.

One last log crackled feebly amongst the dying embers in the hearth, and a candle flickered on the table beside a rumpled, empty bed.

Archerstooped over and threw a log upon the embers.

So those New Yorkers hurrying to work are more likely to be thinking about saving their jobs, or stoking the embers of a fragile market recovery.

the ceremony of walking barefoot over hot stones or a bed of embers.


The glow from the embers warmed us.

Cyclones of embers tore through the historic San Bernardino neighborhood of Del Rosa, setting dozens of houses ablaze.

Some historians trace it back to the summer of 2003, when Roman Abramovich pitched up in London and began shovelling tenners on to the glowing embers in the furnace at Stamford Bridge.