
It's rather simple to display date and time fields according to different locales and selected languages.

His travels first included many remote and dangerous locales on Kashyyyk before taking him to the stars.

Even as automotive sales in China cool, Ford sees big opportunity. And it's not in the megacities, but in the country's smaller locales.

Because Lotus Forms also supports bidirectional languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, by setting these locales, the options on the screen read from right to left rather than from left to right.

The case level attribute is off by default in most locales.

A localization pack is a standardized approach for software to support multiple languages and locales through a single executable.

The names of locales usually consist of ISO 639-1 language, ISO 3166-1 country codes and optional encoding names and other qualifiers.

Although they may not be as packed as some of the other locales on the list, the Minnesota twin cities are still pretty jammed with nearly 7, 000 people per square mile.

Pawn shop owners see strong business across the country, even in unexpected locales like Beverly Hills, the mecca of luxury living and shopping.

There is a design language created for the model that is not the same as the locales the users can choose from. For English, the design language is typically English (Zimbabwe).

The problem is that this kind of code effectively localizes a program for only one or a limited set of locales.

Alternately, you can extract data for all locales by specifying the value of all.

If the list is empty after going through all the retrieved locales, the portal default locale is added to the list.


How do you know what the pattern would be like for different locales?