
Their diversity has not been flattened or homogenized by the final editor of the text.

Methylmercury was extracted from the homogenized tissue with toluene in the presence of copper sulfate, sodium bromide and sulfuric acid.

In the invention, liposoluble vitamins are coated in a microcapsule structure of the liposome and form a homogenized and stable water aqua with water-soluble vitamins.

First of all, in a market economy society, highly homogenized values drives people to put money the top priority of their work and life, and money show its superiority to other forms of wealth.

material that has been homogenized (especially tissue that has been ground and mixed).

The results of electron microprobe analyses of homogenized inclusions indicate that magmas trapped in the early crystallized pyroxene phenocrysts are evidently more acidic than host rocks.

The collected excreta are homogenized, dried and finely ground.

This could lead to more homogenized rating opinions and, ultimately, deprive investors of valuable, differentiated opinions on credit risk.


Methods: The fresh pig brain was homogenized and extracted with saline and distilled water.

It is shown that the structure with bent inner conductor can not only enable the cavity to be miniaturized, but also make the field distribution homogenized to gain higher power capacity.

The NdFeB alloy was melted in a vacuum mid-frequency induction furnace and then homogenized.

METHODS the content of cinnamic acid in homogenized liver was measured by the reversed phase HPLC to analyze the effects of inductors and inhibitors on metabolism of cinnamic acid.