
I'm his friend, Edgar Davis.

Davis is in her mid-thirties.

Some people say that Fletcher Davis, from Athens, invented hamburgers.

US Bancorp chief Richard Davis sees the situation differently.

President Lincoln had hoped that Davis would escape. He felt that punishing Davis would only create more bitterness and make reconstruction -- the rebuilding of the South -- more difficult.

Then Foxy Davis had seemed a debonair remotely superior, and glamorous personage.

He brings fresh insights to the tale based on material from the archives of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie in Montpellier and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis).

Following the resignation of David Davis in 2008, Mr Cameron failed to settle on a home-affairs spokesman.

Onscreen Chemistry? The horrific make-up FX prevent things from becoming too scintillating, but Goldblum and Davis still exude a genuine, charming rapport in early scenes.

Department of Agriculture, and Philip Martin at the University of California, Davis, have studied trends in mechanization to predict how US farms might fare.

Some of tennis's top ten players, such as Federer, Moya and Henman, have chosen not to take part in the Davis Cup this year so as to be in better physical shape for grand slam and tour events.

But it was his next movie and shift to Sydney in Australia that launched his international career. He starred alongside another breakthrough player in Judy Davis in My Brilliant Career (1979).


Davis Cup Management Committee

Then came a bunt from Russ Davis.

You'll like Mike Davis. He's such a good cameraman.

There then followed 4 shots of unbelievable tension as Taylor, Davis, Taylor again and then Davis again missed the black.

Richard, did you go to the Davis Aerobics class today? Richard

Seagal attracted mainstream appeal in 1992 when he starred in the Davis directed hit Under Siege,his most popular movie.

"We try to provide an independent view to Chinese leaders," says Deputy Director Hai Wen, 46, a University of California at Davis alum.

Soon our Western Union messenger boy was corresponding with many of the most famous people in the nation: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes,Longfellow, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, Louisa May Alcott,General Sherman and Jefferson Davis.

Mr Davis is the first McKinsey managing director to lead the firm from outside the US, although the spare, unlived-in look of his London loft office hints at how much time he has spent elsewhere since McKinsey's senior partners elected him as their head a year ago.


Miles Davis broke new ground in jazz.

Davis says he was defending himself against two armed robbers.

For instance, a stunt woman named Jan Davis does all kinds of jumps.

The interview finished with a handshake and a polite "We'll let you know in due course, Miss Davis.

Technically, this issue is known as "scope of review" and, as Professor Davis has observed, the scope of review for a particular administrative decision may range from zero to a hundred percent.

The two faces looked down on the scene, two faces as different as could be possible in two men at the helm of so momentous an undertaking: Davis with the flat cheeks and cold eyes of an ascetic, his thin proud lips set firmly;

Mount Davis Fresh Water Primary Service Reservoir

"Davis says:" I become you until you find the perfect gingerbread man.

During the investigation, a newborn baby girl was left on the doorstep of a home in a nearby county, raising questions about whether it belonged to Davis.


The Davis is also close to a railway station.

Davis, feeling that any man possessing a human heart would relent when that delicious perfume met his nose.


Good afternoon, Mrs. Davis.

Dai Davis, an it specialist partner with solicitors Brooke North, says, "it's by no means certain any crime is committed."

Jeff: Why is it called "Davis Cup"?

Mark Davis compiled a break of 105 in the deciding frame of his match against Marco Fu and Andrew Higginson saw off Ryan Day 53, despite a highest break of only 59.

With Bette Davis there was a poignant might-have-been relationship.

The move comes as Pakistani officials say they will not deport the American diplomat Raymond Davis who is accused of killing two Pakistanis.