
Now have you been watching the GOP debates?

One problem with the salt debates, Dr. Alderman said, is that all the studies are inadequate.

Markets' nerves were already frayed by still-inconclusive debates on how to solve Greece's financing problem.

Reading historical debates, and hearing of the attention paid to them by a thoughtful populace, certainly makes one wonder.

The official report of the proceedings and debates of a legislature in the Commonwealth of Nations, especially of the British or Canadian parliament.

Thankfully, no one was privy to my intense internal debates about whether to include hand cream, or an extra pair of socks; they would have thought I’d lost my mind!

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in a country where U.S. forces are not able to conduct ground operations has stirred heated debates over the legality, effectiveness, and morality of these strikes.

Correspondents are reminded that it is important to avoid congestion near the podium, especially during debates.

He was always concerned with the needs of the disadvantaged, always initiating social debates.

This governance topic sometimes sparks debates that sound vaguely philosophical, like "is good simply the absence of evil?"

Autos would seem to be an unnecessary diversion for Google, which has its hands full with debates over copyright law enforcement, rogue drug ads, and censorship in China.

How do debates about translation get resolved?

We can also have substantive debates about how to apply and extend our basic values.

IT IS one of the oldest debates in education. Should teachers tell pupils the way things are or encourage them to find out for themselves?

Students from northern and central Italy joined with townspeople to pack the debates that began early in the evening and continued until midnight, showing that civic conscience has not been quashed.

All of our debates and discussions have meaning only when they improve the health of people and relieve their suffering.

The THIRD and final debate, which took place at Hofstra University, New York, on Wednesday October 15th was a firecracker of a show, as riveting as the two previous debates were soporific.

The fight over bird flight evolution is one of the longest-running and most heated debates in paleontology.

Some debates are senseless, however. Committed liberals and conservatives rarely persuade each other, but public debates over policy can rally the base and sway the undecided.

Most of the time, presidential debates feature the candidates repeating the same policy talking points they have uttered over and over again on the campaign trail.


He also engaged in plenty of spirited debates with colleagues.