
an employment, a travel, an advertising, a secretarial, etc agency

But then Ms Davis pointed out that unlike the transit agency, her escort agency delivered on-time and reliable service.

They offered us an exclusive agency for their car and we reciprocate with an offer of the agency for our buses.

For that, I need a regulatory agency that stops households and businesses from polluting the river.

But the supervisory board, called the board of Governors, is a government agency responsible to the Congress.

The Dutch anti-terrorism agency banned all airborne post and freight from Yemen from entering the Netherlands.

Moreover, Vermont Yankee has not been read as detracting from the courts' ability to engage in rigorous review of the substance of agency rulemaking activities.

But Schultz hinted that the space agency may have to do a bit more to really settle the debate over the cause of the moon's puzzling asymmetry.

Investments are not bank deposits or obligations of, guaranteed or insured by Citibank N.A., Citigroup Inc. or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any local government or insurance agency,

Advertising agency; advertisement service

How expensive is it to hire an agency like yours?

We require the agency in our market for your precision apparatus.

The agency recently announced it would reconsider its ruling in its 2007 Dana Corporation decision.

The government news agency, Xinhua, has described this "new morality movement" as the leadership's first broadside against vulgarity in years.

They're all of them embedded in sentences, speech ACTS, and can be taken out of sentences and still understood in their agency as performed.

The 300m-long vessel sounded its horn three times as it left its shipyard in Dalian, in North-East Liaoning province, amid thick fog, according to the state news agency.

Please put me through to the tourist agency.

the support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31.

Not all rejections of agency interpretations rely so heavily on the "plain meaning" of the statutory language.

To the extent required to prevent a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, an agency may delete identifying details when it makes available or publishes an opinion, statement of policy, interpretation, or staff manual or instruction.


This creates an agency problem.

The credit rating agency shall ensure its rating unbiased and fair.

Two Israeli tank shells struck the school in Jabaliya refugee camp, spraying shrapnel on people inside and outside the building, according to news agency reports.

The employment agency placed her with an insurance firm.

“You have these third-party analysts setting the agenda for the agency in ways that never happened before, ” said Daniel Carpenter, an F.D.A. historian at Harvard.

We can renew the agreement of agency upon its expiration.

The agency explained this action by saying that "detachable" automatic seatbelts, the industry's favored method of meeting the requirement, would not necessarily promote safety, because consumers would detach them.

When NOAA first realized KP2 was playing with people at the wharf, the agency moved him 40 miles away.

A case that arose before the APA amendments illustrates that there is a tension between concerns about ex parte contacts and the need for political oversight of agency decisionmaking.