
They say he's a terrible flirt.

He is the most horrible flirt that can be imagined.

Thus, they shouldn't flirt, or do anything physical they wouldn't do with same gendered friends.

Previous studies have found that they are more inclined to flirt with men other than their partners and stray from their routine in ways that suggest they have a roving eye.

And yet we flirt shamelessly with risk.

She'll be fixed as the silliest flirt who ever made her family ridiculous.

Physical flirt, playful flirt, sincere flirt... which one are you?

Is Kelly a flirt, who goes from boy to boy?


Knows how to flirt.

Iran has also helped Turkey in its battle against the pkk-though it continues to flirt with hardliners who oppose any deal with the Turkish government.

He then proceeded to flirt shamelessly with him.

On the strength of one short paragraph they have decided you are unpleasantly ambitious, devious, probably talentless and a shameless flirt.