
They look like figures representing gluttony in a medieval morality play.

Thesin of gluttony: don’t jam the paper full of content that readers findirrelevant.

Sure, we got to our present size by eating other galaxies, but the time of unrestrained gluttony is in the past, and that's good.

共有七宗罪,正式译名为“七罪宗”,排序的原则是对爱的违背的程度,依次为:傲慢(pride)、妒忌(envy)、暴怒(anger)、懒惰(sloth)、贪婪(covetousness)、暴食(gluttony)及好*(lust)。 七美德:谦逊(humbleness)、宽容(giving)、温和(composure)、热心(integrity)、慷慨(vigilance)、节制(self-restraint)和贞洁(purity)

In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision.

Bank bosses have been castigated for fee-seeking gluttony, reckless lending and failure to heed the risks to their institutions.

A bellyful of gluttony will never study willingly.

I am quite a good cook and enjoy good food but I dislike gluttony as much as I dislike vulgarity.


Sloth does not set in until after gluttony and avarice.

Pride ranks only at No 5 for men, who are likely to have indulged in so much lust and gluttony that they are too slothful to feel angry, proud, envious or avaricious.

The seven capital sins are: pride, covetousness, lust, anger, envy, gluttony, sloth.

The protagonist is unlikable, with appetites for food and women that Ingram said stand in for "Western society's gluttony and overconsumption."