
They found her in the stairwell crying,sitting there saying

The hallways, stairwell and bathrooms are left cold.

When the earthquake struck on Monday afternoon, Sun said, the survivor must have been in a corridor by a stairwell.

The living room has a pitched two-story ceiling and a gas fireplace, with untreated redwood paneling on the walls and in the stairwell.

Despite disruption at the busy brokerage firm, he insisted on holding twice-yearly evacuation drills by the stairwell for the firm's 22 floors in the south tower.

The assailant fled down a nearby stairwell.

What's in the yellow door next to the green stairwell?

I picked up my books and went running to Vickie, who was waiting for me at the stairwell.

I tried to imagine him up there, Miller, foot stuck in the stairwell in some odd way that prevented him from falling like the rest of us.


In stairwell when north tower collapsed.

Megan walked in the house. It was nice, gold stairwell, gold everything.

Once you reached the 6th floor, you were to lock yourself in, turn off the lights and proceed across the floor to the East stairwell, where you would lock those doors working your way down.

Lionel pointed to a gristly gray lighted stairwell made of out clay.

Several steps led up to the first floor and stairwell; they were wide at the bottom, narrower above, set between walls topped with iron banisters and curving outwards at street level.

Most of the bodies retrieved were found in what remained of the stairwell, indicating that the children were attempting to flee.

As Gretchen descends down the stairwell, Sucre attacks her.

We climbed the South Tower stairwell back to the bridge and found Mr. Chen again standing sentry and he proffered us a slight if somewhat cool nod.