
And instead of being powered by smoky little petrol engines, they are driven electrically.

The lights are caused by a flow of electrically charged particles to and from one of Saturn's moons.

And since hydrogen is electrically neutral, it should be possible to observe gravity's tiny tug on it without the confounding effects of electrostatic attraction to other particles.

BLOWER, an electrically operated fan for circulating air.

Mechanically, electrically, behaviorally and cosmetically, our paired sounding boards are a genuine earmark of our species.

"particle accelerator : Device that accelerates a beam of fast-moving, electrically charged atoms (ions) or subatomic particles. Accelerators are used to study the structure of atomic nuclei and the nature of subatomic particles and their fundamental interactions."

Rate gyros, like position gyros, can be blast started or electrically driven.

It's usually insulated by a thick layer of rubber, but if the wire is frayed, damAged, or loosened, it can expose electrically "hot" metal to the tangle of cables and dust behind your equipment.

It was during the Dark Ages that the universe cooled enough to allow molecular hydrogen to form, filling the cosmos with a diffuse cloud of electrically-neutral gas.


For maximum precision the thermal measurements are usually made electrically.

To test this notion, we electrically stimulated pure cultures of DRG axons and then analyzed the medium.