
I lock my door and scour the woods for movement.

The fine, glassy particles that make up volcanic ash scour airplane Windows and can clog and stall jet engines.

Instead of looking for magical healing potions in virtual worlds, these players scour buildings for defibrillators that haven't been cataloged yet.

If the Fed doesn't actually announce new bond purchases, investors will scour its post-meeting statement for hints that it might do that or something else in the future.


Russian traders scour its wholesale shops for furs and boots.

A helicopter and dog teams were used to scour houses, parking areas and open Spaces, but no one was found.

Entrepreneurs were queuing up to scour rubbish for anything that could be recycled. There was even talk of mining old landfills to extract steel and aluminium cans.

Then we scour them like this! VERY carefully!

JUST as magpies adorn their nests with shiny trinkets, young people seeking to burnish their credentials love to scour league tables to spot the world's brightest universities.

Thieves scour the capital for vehicles that still have fuel in their tanks.

Please scour rust spots from the knife.

More than 100 aircraft, dozens of ships and thousands of military personnel will scour the coastline for three days.

After a day and two nights of wasted time we had eight hours or so to take our recreation, to scour the roads for cigarette ends, to beg, and to look for work.