
She Bumped against the table.

She bumped her arm on the table.

The old truck bumped along the rocky road.

Finally, I'd like to tell you about a bit of trivia I bumped into on this.

But they were so energetic that they immediately bumped into the walls of the experimental apparatus and were annihilated.

He lingered on the streets, and recklessly got bumped down by an ambulance. In a daze, he seemed to see her.

Even if you're a gregarious soul, Gladwell suggested you list how many people you would actually stop and have a catch-up conversation with if you bumped into them on the street.

The two countries said there were no injuries when Le Triomphant and HMS Vanguard bumped into each other “at low speed”, apparently unaware of each other’s presence, during routine patrols.


She bumped up against me.

We left the road, and again bumped over the mountainside.

The lump jumped off the pump and bumped on the trumpet in the dump.

I bumped my robot’s head on a low overhang because I overestimated the headroom, and it tipped over.

Not now, not since I bumped into him again. I mean, yes, when I was eighteen, but that was aeons ago, way before I met you.

O liver was very surprised; this was the same man he had bumped into once outside a pub, and seen another time with Fagin, looking in at him through the window of the country cottage.

The man bumped me off the bicycle.

The gangster tottered to one side, bumped against the stall, and then pitched backward onto the floor.

Damon usually excels in suspense, as seen in the Jason Bourne trilogy and the Departed, but buyer beware: Bureau's release date has been bumped twice.

I bumped my head.

Their car bumped along the rough mountain road.

This week, the science of medicine bumped up against the foundations of American medical consumerism: that more is better, that saving a life is worth any sacrifice, that health care is a birthright.

The child bumped into a table and started screaming.

The lorry ran into the back of the rearmost car in the queue which bumped into the car in front, which then hit the next one, and so on in a chain reaction.

Megan ran on the brick road but bumped into a well dressed man in red and gold glowing robes with a long black coloured moustache.

Her car bumped a truck.

As soon as I began looking into the etymology of stutter I bumped up against its synonym stammer.