
Furthermore, externalities are also present.

This also an example of positive externalities.

The third involves the undesirable externalities that may accompany productivity increases.

Polluters don't pay the real cost of externalities such as toxic waste and air and water pollution.

Moreover, there is also a temporal element to these externalities, for many of the affected individuals belong to future generations.

In terms of geography, natural resources, history and externalities, each region in Quanzhou has its own leading industry with different nature.

One of the first tasks was to nail down those externalities. That meant figuring out exactly how much New Yorkers' time was worth and how much of it they wasted in traffic.

Negative externality rules are an important issue in public economics, and the economic efficiency in solving negative externalities is reflected in the costs and benefits in dealing with them.


Network effects (network externalities)

The indirect externalities of financial activities belong to pecuniary externalities, not affecting the social welfare;

As we saw earlier, the market mechanism breaks down when public goods or externalities are present.

Results: All the 79 cases of axilla accessory breast with local hyperplastic adipose tissue were resected with favorable postoperative appearance, secluded incisions and amendatory externalities.

As discussed earlier, two factors which tend to distort the market system are the related problems of "externalities" and "collective goods".

We will begin with a discussion of relevant topics from industrial organization including monopoly pricing, price discrimination, product differentiation, barriers to entry, network externalities, search and first-mover advantages.

Positive pecuniary externalities create incentives.

Internalization may also come about spontaneously by the merger of two units inflicting large externalities upon one another.

The existence of these externalities provides a basis for preserving wilderness areas that is not unlike the basis for preventing pollution.

internalize (externalities)

Renting in groups refers to the housing phenomenon of living crowded and having bigger negative externalities.

We must ensure that India and China cooperate in creating a world of positive externalities and mutual prosperity, rather than one based on balance of power calculations and animosity.

Sequential innovation and entry deterrence with network externalities;

If governments want to see a blossoming of clean technology, therefore, they should use taxes to put a price on environmental externalities (such as carbon) rather than coddle pet technologies.

In theory governments can make up these costs, or "externalities", with a tax that adjusts the prices people pay to puff, booze or punt.

environmental externalities (of economic activities)

Negative externalities in production or consumption lead markets to produce a larger quantity than is socially desirable.