musical note造句

The water is becoming more and more pure because of the constant flow, a simple musical note, miss so far, flowing water gentle lingering, rolling mountains.

Life is like a musical note, ups and downs. Every person's life, like a eternal song, have a high tide and low, and not everyone's life is a smooth sailing, there is always such a problem with the shadow can not be rid of.

All musical notes may express cheerful ideas; it is only thenotes of creditors which arouse none but melancholy reflections.

He said:" There has been a recent study on perfect pitch, the ability to know the absolute pitch of a musical note, that strongly suggests that is acquired through the inheritance of a single gene."

She sang a wide range of musical notes with her powerful voice.

Bell spent his evenings experimenting with tuning forks (fork-shaped pieces of metal which always produce the same musical note and which are used to tune pianos), metal springs, and magneto batteries.

musical note造句

Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about.

Leading to evanescent musical notes as bubbles.

His poetry is musical and emotional and each syllable sounds like a musical note, from which the poet drew his inspiration of poetry.