
The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering.

The landlady's shrill voice always sets my teeth on edge.

The argument has gotten so shrill and divisive that I am bored by it.

While Japan was merely sounding shrill, China encouragingly said it was sending a high-ranking delegation to Pyongyang to talk reason.

Miss Sun was so furious she uttered a shrill -chien waited until Major Hou had entered the door opposite before he let out a curse at his already vanished broad back, "You dirty bastard!"

Stress is to the human condition what tension is to the violin string: too little and the music is dull and raspy; too much and the music is shrill or the string snaps.

Telephones shrill uselessly in deserted offices.

His voice was shrill, but very clear and articulate.

Laotse had laughed before him, a thin, shrill yet cataclysmic laughter.

Leshner is no big fan of Dawkins, saying Dawkins' shrill manner arguing makes the PR side of Leshner's job much more difficult.

When we reached the little dachshund's pen, she was on her hind legs against a cyclone fence, barking in an unbearably shrill tone, though she was wagging her tail.

She thrilled at the shrill clang of the ambulance bell.

Irvine thrust between his lips the little finger of each hand and lent to her efforts a shrill whistling.

In 2011 we could all benefit from turning off the tinny, shrill newszak and hearing more real news about people like this – so we can resolve to be a little more like them.

Every few seconds, a shrill cry of "Justin!" erupted from somewhere in the crowd.

Barack Obama got an unsolicited reminder of this on the campaign trail in 2008, when an off-the-cuff remark about the need to “spread the wealth around” provoked some shrill retorts.

He cried and his shrill tone troke the quietness, but the ship still left.


To speak shrilly; make a shrill sound.

Well before she arrived, she'd call out a friendly word with what little voice she had left, which was shrill and rasping.

From the dining-room came the sound of mahjongtiles being shuffled round on the surface of the table and the shrill voices of the ladies as they commented on the extraordinary luck of the banker in the game they had just finished.