
I was shocked by her infamous behaviour.

The Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous "scorched earth" directive.

So pack an umbrella and enjoy the Dutch capital's picturesque city centre and infamous nightlife.

That's the idea behind artificial ecosystems, all the way up to the infamous Biosphere II.

He lost his life against the infamous Max Baer, portrayed as a vicious killer in the movie Cinderella Man.

The infamous Schumer-Graham bill, which proposed a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese goods to offset the yuan's alleged undervaluation, was withdrawn last year.

The moths also look the same at first glance, and Miller says this drawer holds nothing but a single species of spruce budworm, an infamous pest of eastern forests in North America.

until the infamous final debacle.

He spent his career fighting to overturn that infamous decision.

Soccer's most infamous example of cheating came during the June 1986 FIFA World Cup quarterfinal.

Only, Ellen, promise you'll not mention a syllable of his infamous conversation to my brother or Catherine.

It was he, as governor in 1978, who had to implement (having opposed it) Proposition 13, the most infamous of all ballot initiatives.

Or at least the relief that some must have felt. For others, taken captive by wild tribesmen then sold to merchants, the town's infamous slave market would only be the latest stage of their nightmare.

Hedge funds are infamous for being scrappy and secretive.

Whereupon the Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous "scorched earth" directive the next day.

Our family purchased the infamous black stool because my brother told my parents that he must have an electric piano. And he needed something to sit on while he played.

That infamous criminal was finally sentenced to death.

The bad: Maradona's infamous' hand of god 'goal set Argentina on their way to quarter-final success over England...


The infamous traitor was sentenced to death.

For example, 'Paris' could refer to the city in France or the city in the USA (also it could be the name of an infamous socialite).

The now-infamous" Wand Order Problem" was corrected in later editions of the book.

To kick off, the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail has been upgraded into a major highway that runs along the spine of the country and offers some sublime scenery.

The king was infamous for his guilt of many infamies.