
They urged laymen not to join the protests.

After the monk, monks, so the method number fills in the "laymen" explanation.

On one level it was highly technical, beyond the ken of most laymen.

Master also has the intention to find such a leader among laymen, but it takes time to locate such a person.

Fa Xian wrote, "On this day, all monks and laymen of the country gather to perform music and dance, present incense and flowers

Expert often confuse laymen with their jargon.

The 20th centurys Chinese citizen literature showed a laymen s world and a living history where laymen sought survival.

Few laymen would claim they did not believe Einstein. Yet many seem proud not to believe Darwin.

Monastics are distinguished from laymen in that the latter are permitted to live in a state of matrimony, while the former choose to remain unmarried.


He always modestly calls himself a laymen in calligraphy.

A TV series could make IT laymen better understand the work of IT experts.

Acts 4:13 and as they beheld the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated men and laymen, they marveled and they recognized them, that they had been with Jesus.

Psychologists are often accused by laymen of doing experiments to prove the obvious.

On Thursday, troops burst into monasteries around thecountry to make arrests but, again, this did not stop monks and laymen fromhitting the streets, where riot police shot at them.

Behind him, chanting to the beat of a drum, would stream 200-300 laymen, monks and nuns, walking across Cambodia for peace.

This book is written for professionals and laymen alike.

In a society of hierarchy and deference towards authority, laymen will rarely dare to argue with professional judges.