
Don't think this gang is monolithic — it can be split up.

Scientists once imagined galaxies forming by a sort of monolithic collapse, in which a giant cloud of gas suddenly fell inward.

Finally, not that the discussion to this point has implicitly assumed that applications are monolithic, i.e. there is a single set of workload and availability requirements for the entire application.

A frequently expanded, monolithic program is the exact opposite of this model, and it can be a maintenance nightmare.

It gave definite form, Mukherjee says, to an adversary that was essentially formless: "Cancer, a shape-shifting disease of colossal diversity, was recast as a single, monolithic entity."

Henceforth, however, it will not be possible to write of a monolithic pro-Israel lobby in America.


The definitions of Feminism, Feminist, and Feminist Theory now are not a monolithic term.

For instance, the actual client application might be part of an existing large, monolithic legacy system that cannot be readily separated and archived.

At one end are the monolithic brands like Fidelity.