
Requirements volatility: Changing requirements that impact delivery schedules and increase software rework and cost.

If defects in the design are discovered, rework feedback on the design is submitted.

What I got from it is how writers, Murakami included, often tinker with and rework their stories.

Requirements were overlooked, scope was hard to track, and a significant amount of work and rework was wasted.

However, it allows the less-disciplined to go dark for long periods, which can make for some rather difficult merge sessions and rework.

But I'd urge Congress to pause for a minute, take a deep breath, and try to seriously rework the structure of the plan, making it a plan that addresses the real problem.

A lot of unnecessary rework would be cut away.

Complete inspection requirements, including lighting requirements and method of marking defects for rework or repair.

Then, you can integrate this solution with other tools in your development infrastructure to save time and avoid rework.

Leaving the choice of standards and guidelines until late in the project results in inconsistent work, strife within the team, failed reviews, and sometimes even significant rework.

You may not know all of these details before you start, but the more of them you know, the less likely it is that you'll need to rework your mediation flow later.

But track your scrap and rework, and mitigate the other risks.

They also had no means to measure rework and could not differentiate between requirements churn and implementation issues.

So it is important that project managers put in place the same strategies and measures as defined for overlapping iterations: i.e., increased scrap and rework, low morale, etc.

I've encountered scenarios with this approach that caused a fair bit of rework.

The existence of multiple replicas of project assets also helps minimize the downtime, rework, and other impacts of server outages or even disasters.

Thankfully, much of what I did on the examples for that column is easy to rework for the new syntax.


What percentage of your project cost arises from avoidable rework?

Since the model is executable it can be checked before the implementation is available, which can save time, frustration and costly rework.

In one case, the test scripts were finished while the user interface was still changing; although some rework was necessary, the changes turned out to be fairly easy to integrate.