
They are like soap and water.

Children enjoy spitting out iridescent soap pockets from pipes.

The effect of potash soap took second place, the reduce rates of 300 times' potash soap reached the peak value (63.2%) after 15 days.

Wash your hands with soap and water often and thoroughly, especially after coughing or sneezing.


For example, the television showed a certain soap, and then a female movie star taking a shower.

When water reacts with the fats and oils, a reaction called hydrolysis, the result is glycerol and soap.

After some experience in theater, he landed a role in a soap opera and dropped out of high school just shy of graduation.




The soap has a defatting effect.

She had the sweet scent of my lavender soap.

No one wants soap in beer, But everyone wants the suds.

Irritants such as soap should be avoided, too; a soap containing moisturizers (such as goat's milk) may be used, however, any generic moisturizer can help to manage over-dryness.

Volunteers rushed to Valdez to scrub otters and ducks with gentle soap, only to watch them die.

Next up is the primary sedimentation tank, where sludge settles to the bottom and lighter liquids like grease, oil and soap rise to the top.

For 2010, the winning photomicrographs include: colorful, psychedelic soap-film bubbles, cancer cells that appear as flowery pom-poms and an alien-like portrayal of a bird of paradise seed.


He blows bubbles with soap water.

The ancient Egyptians could make glass, tile, turpentine, soap and dyes.

But I also liked her wet, soapy body; I liked to let her soap me and I liked to soap her, and she taught me not do it bashfully, but with assurance and possessive thoroughness.

Remove your pet's paw from the concrete mix, then wipe it with a towel and wash it with soap and water to thoroughly remove the concrete mixture.

Both beer and shampoo have polar molecules that accumulate at a liquid-gas interface, but the mechanisms that prevent bubble collapse in soap foams or pilsner heads are fundamentally different.

I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV.

Some students then lathered up with liquid soap, supposedly to evaluate this product.

In her home, Terry USES baking soda, vinegar, plain soap and other cleaning and personal care products that are petroleum-free.

It was a sculpted and painted bar of soap. "soap?"

Over the years there had been thisperson with the cake of soap, this cultist, and here he was.

Hook, and it has a-pinene, a -cedrene, a-terpineol, B-caryophyllene oxide etc,they have strongly aromatic- muskiness-perfume. It was designed to toilet powder, puff cake and rouge in cosmetics and soap, it has been to append fantastic essence by directly application.

A man has five items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel.

I have a coupon for ten pence off a packet of soap.

During cold and flu season, wash your hands with soap many times during the day because you're in contact with all kinds of pathogens — door knobs, stair railings, other people.

They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.