kick out造句

Stuart gets a kick out of fast cars.

I don't want to find out about anyone having any design to kick out his.

And, I don't know, I kind of get a kick out of that a little bit.

Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region want to kick out the rebels and reinstate Yemen's deposed president.

M: Arrrgh! Li Hua, you really do get a kick out of tormenting me. I'll never get wasted for the rest of my life. I promise.

The way to stop a horse from bucking was to get his head up——he had to drop it to kick out with his hindquarters——and then send him forward. 《HALF BROKE HORSES》P93.

We should learn to be independent, to master our thinking, to differentiate our thinking, to find a way to innovate, to kick out all unworthy thinking and give up, to reach the bottom line of good and bad.

--And take that, I hope he'll kick out your brains!'

she muses," Some men get a real kick out of receiving flowers;

So, he was more or less chronicling The Times and seemingly got a kick out of it (laughs).

Even when you're working flat-out, use something you enjoy - photos of your last vacation, or reading a blog you get a kick out of - as a reward along the way, he suggests.

I just get a kick out of hearing about it."

I got a kick out of seeing my name in print.

Rocks are hard, immovable objects that we have to kick out of the way or walk around.

I'd imagine any accredited Ph.D. program would quickly kick out a student who they found doing this under the scope of their graduate school training and calling it "therapy."

I really got a kick out of their tagline, "Genuine Search Engine Marketing".

Now, he said: " I want to enjoy my married life with Kathryn. She was in the closet for many years. I get a kick out of saying. 'This is my wife.'"

She gets a kick out of watching her little brother playing the piano.

Do they kick out-or coax out-the toughest to teach?

I explained to them that Daddy is playing a jackass in Shrek, and they really got a kick out of it.

kick out造句

Read them and you'll get a kick out of them.