
Therein lies the crux of the matter.

The newspaperman summarized the crux of the aerodynamic phenomenon.

Marxist Philosophy critically absorbs the"rational crux"of Hegel s dialectics and the"basic crux"of Feuerbach s materialism, thus creating dialectical materialism.

The crux of the dispute in the litigation has risen property disputes?

For veneer peeling, the most crux technique of the peeling is how to fix the optimum centering point.

The crux of getting winning is that our products could meet more customer demands than our opponents.

Strengthening the ideological and political work of the two teams in The united front as the crux of the present united front work;

He knows that morality is just an excuse, and the crux of the problem is the sense of security of the courtiers.

Moral education is the premise of "self-autonomy", the functions of moral guidance ensure students' "self-autonomy", and the cultivation of humanity is the crux of students' "self-autonomy".

Someone may say law is relentless, however from another perspective, law is absolutely fair, for law will punish those who commit crimes or violate the law, while protect those who abide-by the law, which is the very humane crux of the law.

Sun Guohua, one of his students, said that the deepest part of Tian Changlin's efforts in guiding his thesis was to constantly hone his students'thinking and reasoning abilities in the process of finding out the crux of the problem and making inferences.


That is the crux of the issue.

He could never put aside his resentment and emotional crux.

How to determine the best environmental sequence is the crux of the method.

What makes this kind governor even more incomprehensible is the crux of the unreasonable solution of rural credit loans.

Neither of these two failure symptoms is unacceptable to users, therefore, the diagnosis of DPF failure is the crux in the industrialization of the whole system.

Past philosophies mostly explained the world. However, the crux is to coordinate the world and guarantee subsistence. Without subsistence, there would be no basis for any and all issues.

The crux of Hong Kong's current housing problem is the shortage of land supply and demand, which has led to soaring property prices, allowing speculators to take advantage of it.

The crux of making an active use of regional culture's perspectives for modern literature research is to regard the angles of regional culture as a dialogue way of deconstruction so as to self-question modern grand-narratives with its lack of distinctions.

That was truly the crux of the problem.

Engineer Wang saw the crux and solved the long-debated problem with only three words.

The crux of life is to stay away from despair, join hands with hope, pursue bravely and embrace ideals.

Through a questionnaire survey on the current situation of music learning evaluation in five districts of China, the basic situation was obtained and the crux of the problem was found.

After the loss of love, you are looking back and thinking about the future, and for the other side, or because the other side inadvertently in the crowd more white, and that they still have love, the power of this hint is extremely stubborn and powerful, many of the lovelorn bad crux lies in this, so endless.

He said the crux of the matter was economic policy.

Here the crux is to bring the subjective and the objective into proper correspondence with each other.

This brings us, then, to the crux of the whole method: how we use this understanding of people to create design solutions that satisfy and inspire users, while simultaneously addressing business goals and technical constraints.

And that's the crux of forgiveness.

That's the crux of it. Each artist, looking at an apple on a table, for instance, USES distinct and characteristic eyes.

Therein lies the crux of the matter.

Experiences from successful works have been summed up that the crux of improvement is the bearing design of the shaft supporting pulley and gear.

They tried to subvert our state and our Party. This is the crux of the matter.

Tian Changlin's teaching focus is to use strict inquiries to find out the lack of students'ideological logic, urge improvement, and strictly require students to find out the crux of the problem, step by step to achieve the final "verification" stage can stop.

The education valuce concept is the crux of the education thought.