
After Emil finished his tirade, he stalked back to Kostya.

My tirade is about the traffic conditions of Chongqing as a whole.

But, just as 2016 brought a tirade of political turbulence, so too it has afforded us plenty of styles we would rather see the back of.

Larger monitors set up around the middle gallery display scenes from such classics as Orson Welles's unfinished “Don Quixote” (a tirade by the don against that Devil's invention, cinema).

Another person off limits in your trade tirade is the coach.

Maradona was in belligerent mood after the Uruguay match, when he launched his tirade against journalists, amid a torrent of other abuse.

Now, telling his mother about it, he expected a tirade.

After the chairman delivered his opening speech, Mr Smith launched into a brilliant tirade.


This is a vitriolic tirade, and it gets ugly.

He said his client was simply trying to defuse a testy situation when a passenger, who has not been identified, started giving him hell after the plane landed. And that sparked Slater’s tirade.

His tirade against Mr Paulson is unseemly as well as unconvincing.

The tirade has struck a nerve in mainland China, revealing widespread anger and frustration among mainlanders at Hong Kong's coercive shopping tactics .